25 ways to support a family member who has cancer:

  1. Offer emotional support by being there to listen and provide a shoulder to lean on.
  2. Accompany them to doctor appointments and treatment sessions.
  3. Help with household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping.
  4. Provide transportation to and from medical appointments.
  5. Research their type of cancer and treatment options to help them make informed decisions.
  6. Offer to babysit or take care of their children if needed.
  7. Create a care package filled with comforting items such as books, puzzles, and soothing teas.
  8. Organize a meal train with friends and family to ensure they have nutritious meals during treatment.
  9. Help them maintain a positive outlook by engaging in uplifting activities together.
  10. Offer to take care of their pets or assist with pet care responsibilities.
  11. Accompany them to support groups or connect them with online communities of cancer survivors.
  12. Assist with insurance paperwork and financial planning related to medical expenses.
  13. Provide gentle physical support, such as massages or helping them with mobility if needed.
  14. Offer to research and connect them with complementary therapies that may help alleviate side effects.
  15. Send encouraging cards, messages, or small gifts to brighten their day.
  16. Help them create a comfortable and peaceful environment at home.
  17. Offer to help them explore options for wigs, hats, or scarves if they are experiencing hair loss.
  18. Encourage them to prioritize self-care activities such as meditation, gentle exercise, or relaxation techniques.
  19. Be patient and understanding of their emotional ups and downs.
  20. Assist with organizing their schedule and keeping track of medications and appointments.
  21. Offer to assist with childcare or household tasks during periods of fatigue or illness.
  22. Help them stay connected with loved ones by organizing visits or virtual gatherings.
  23. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns openly.
  24. Advocate for their needs within the healthcare system if necessary.
  25. Remind them regularly that they are loved and supported throughout their journey.