1.  Decreased motivation and productivity.
2.  Strained relationships with friends and family.
3.  Increased risk of developing physical health problems such as heart disease and weakened immune system.
4.  Difficulty concentrating and making decisions.
5.  Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns.
6.  Appetite changes, leading to weight gain or loss.
7.  Greater susceptibility to substance abuse as a coping mechanism.
8.  Decreased enjoyment in activities once found pleasurable.
9.  Lowered self-esteem and self-worth.
10. Impaired academic or work performance.
11. Heightened feelings of loneliness and isolation.
12. Greater likelihood of experiencing chronic pain.
13. Reduced immune function, leading to more frequent illnesses.
14. Increased risk of developing anxiety disorders or depression.
15. Impaired memory and cognitive function.
16. Negative impact on overall quality of life.
17. Greater susceptibility to suicidal thoughts or behaviors.
18. Decreased interest in personal hygiene and self-care.
19. Difficulty maintaining responsibilities and commitments.
20. Struggles with maintaining a positive outlook on life.
21. Social withdrawal and avoidance of social situations.
22. Impact on physical appearance due to lack of self-care.
23. Financial strain due to decreased work performance or loss of employment.
24. Negative impact on romantic relationships and intimacy.
25. Greater vulnerability to stress and emotional turmoil.
26. Reduced resilience in facing life’s challenges.
27. Potential for developing chronic health conditions like diabetes or hypertension.
28. Limited ability to experience joy or pleasure.
29. Negative effects on overall mental and emotional well-being.
30. Impaired ability to cope with adversity or setbacks.