Listening to music daily can have 50 benefits, including:

1.  Stress reduction
2.  Mood enhancement
3.  Improved focus and concentration
4.  Boosted productivity
5.  Enhanced creativity
6.  Relaxation
7.  Pain management
8.  Better sleep quality
9.  Anxiety reduction
10. Increased motivation
11. Memory improvement
12. Emotional expression
13. Increased optimism
14. Strengthened immune system
15. Lowered blood pressure
16. Reduced symptoms of depression
17. Improved cardiovascular health
18. Enhanced cognitive function
19. Increased dopamine release
20. Enhanced social bonding
21. Improved self-esteem
22. Eased muscle tension
23. Increased empathy
24. Better time management
25. Enhanced learning and retention
26. Improved language skills
27. Alleviated symptoms of PTSD
28. Enhanced workout performance
29. Reduced perception of pain
30. Improved motor coordination
31. Stress hormone regulation
32. Increased mindfulness
33. Enhanced sense of well-being
34. Improved verbal intelligence
35. Emotional regulation
36. Enhanced spiritual connection
37. Reduced fatigue
38. Increased resilience to stress
39. Improved coping mechanisms
40. Enhanced brain plasticity
41. Reduced risk of cognitive decline
42. Improved social skills
43. Enhanced self-awareness
44. Increased patience
45. Reduced aggression
46. Improved listening skills
47. Increased pleasure response
48. Enhanced mood regulation
49. Improved attention span
50. Greater enjoyment of life