Dealing with a stubborn child requires patience and understanding. Here are 25 strategies:

1.  Stay calm and composed.
2.  Set clear boundaries and expectations.
3.  Offer choices within limits.
4.  Use positive reinforcement for good behavior.
5.  Give consequences for negative behavior, but be consistent.
6.  Use redirection to shift their focus.
7.  Model the behavior you want to see.
8.  Encourage communication and active listening.
9.  Empathize with their feelings.
10. Provide opportunities for them to make decisions.
11. Offer rewards for cooperation.
12. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
13. Use humor to diffuse tension.
14. Use timeouts effectively.
15. Offer incentives for cooperation.
16. Use logical consequences that relate to the behavior.
17. Teach problem-solving skills.
18. Use role-playing to practice desired behaviors.
19. Provide plenty of praise and encouragement.
20. Use visual aids or charts to track progress.
21. Offer rewards for reaching milestones.
22. Seek professional help if necessary.
23. Foster a supportive and loving environment.
24. Spend quality time together.
25. Be patient and persistent in your approach.