Article 1

Your negative beliefs about yourself are an understandable experiences.Low self-esteem is not something you were born with, it is something you have learned . And what has been learned can be unlearned , and new things learned to take their place ‘

For low self-esteem to develop three things learned to take their place.

1- You have life experiences that communicate negative messages to you about yourself.

2- You believe these messages -otherwise they would not affect you . This is how you get your Bottom Line.

3- You compensate for feeling bad about yourself by setting yourself extra-high standards (for example , perfectionism or believing you always have to be in control) . These ‘ Rules for Living ‘ lead you to expect more of yourself than is possible for any normal , imperfect human beings.

Article 2

Let’s look at each of these in turn. As you read through , think back over your own life and see if anythings rings bells for you. It might be helpful to keep a record of your thoughts , so write them down in a notebook . It may also be helpfall to talk to your supporter about this, espicially if looking at the past is difficult or upsetting for you.

1- Life experiences :

Painful experiences that lead to low self-esteem often happen during childhood , but not always , as you will see . Here are some possibilities . As you go through the list , consider which apply to you? Even if these particular experiences are not personally relevant , does scanning them bring events to mind that were important in forming your Bottom Line?

The early years

** Loss of someone important to you (for example, through bereavement , separation, divorce)

**Being ignored mistreated , neglected or abused.

**Failing to meet your parents ‘ standards , or being unfavourably compared to others.

**Lacking what you needed in order to develop a secure sense of self-worth (praise ; interest, reasurance ; and comfort’encouragement to express yourself ; being taught that making mistakes is a normal part of learning ; feeling able to ask for help and support intimacy , warmth, love and affection)

**Being a part of a family struggling with adversity(such as financial hardship illness , being a target for prejudice or hostility)

Article 3

School years

** Being teased or bullied or excluded

**Being the odd one out

**Struggling to manage lessons, tests and homework

Transition to adulthood

**Difficulties leaving home and learning how to manage independently set goals, manage your time and motivate yourself.

**Difficulties making new relationship and transforming old ones.

**Difficulties establishing a secure sexual identity.

I will complete in Article 4 soon.


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